Development by DDSHOPAPPS
There are several ways to define 'Olleke'.
One: it's a Dutch version of 'Olly', a nick for Oliver. Olleke is owned by Oliver, so we could have been 'Olly' or 'Oliver'.
Second: It's the first word of a Dutch riddle. Like 'Eenie' from 'Eenie Meenie Miney Mo', Dutch say 'Olleke Bolleke Rebusolleke'
Third: In the Dutch dialect of West-Flanders 'Olle' means 'every' like in the words 'everyone' (ollemolle) and 'everything' (olles). As you may know the Dutch language uses a lot of diminutives. Extensions -ke, -tje, -pje, -je, -nkje, -etje at the end of a word, are ways to make a Dutch word more adorable and tiny. In a way these words makes people smile and bring joy, just like the Japanese discription Kawaii. So Olle-ke is petite and we have something that everyone loves and everyone wants.
That's how we define Olleke. Cuteness overload. -
It's not the most international name, but people don't need to be reminded of our name after hearing it once.
Native English speakers pronouce it as OO-LEK-KEH and that's not bad. They emphasize on the first letter.
But should be more like the beginning when you say 'Olly' and sounds like Oll luh kuh.
We don't really mind if you got it wrong, unless you are Dutch speaking. That wouldn't make any sense. So why did we teach you? You asked!
Call us on +31 851050459, email us or visit our stores.
No. Having an account makes the process quicker, but you can shop as a guest.
No. You can choose between e-mail or phonenumber to place an order. Customers who choose to enter a phone number instead of an email address receive their order confirmation and shipping updates by SMS to their mobile phone.You can't create an account using only your phone number.
Text confirmations to a mobile, don't always work because you can't use a local number or spaces or points or brackets between the numbers. We advise you using your international code (0032 for Belgium) (0031 for the Netherlands), (0044 for England) leave out the first zero and then your local number without any spaces, points of other symbols between the numbers. A Text Order confirmation is sent out within five minutes after you placed an order.
You can login and check the status of your order online. We advise you check your unwanted maps in your inbox before contacting us. We always sent out a confirmation, since it is required by law. But when you don't give us an e-mail and only a phonenumber, our system will not provide you with a confirmation and we can not amend your preferences, as it is prohibited by privacy law. So if you want a confirmation, you need to provide us with an e-mail to get a conformation.
A confirmation email and/or text message will be sent to you after the transaction.
Yes, you can choose the address of delivery of your liking. When you open up an account you can manage your saved addresses in your address book.
Olleke has your gifts covered! Deliver a present with our Gift Wrap for only €4 extra. If the item in your bag is eligible for gift wrap, click “Add Gift Wrap” upon check out.
We do not make invoices by default because this website is not setup for professional users. It's better to contact us beforehand, when you want to place an order as a professional. Simple provide us your VAT number and the items you want. We'll mail you an invoice with link to pay for it online.
In case you already placed an order, but still need an invoice, please contact us. We will place your order in our accountancy system, where we can recalculate your order, in case you would need Tax back, we will refund the Taxes the same way you paid us. Then we will remove your order from our shop, because we create an invoice for the same order. A secure system will deliver the invoice digitally into your mailbox. The delivery of this mail contains an invisible tracking code as proof you recieved and opened the e-mail.
The end doesn't knock but will presents itself and it's inevitable you will reach it.